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No Cost News
Stay informed and gain a broader perspective inside and outside of classrooms. Through our Readership Program, Penn State students, faculty, and staff have FREE digital access to a variety of local, national, and global newspapers.
Access News
Library Guides
Guides and resources from Penn State University Libraries are at your fingertips.
Explore the News Literacy Guide
News Literacy Ambassadors
Our team of News Literacy Ambassadors provide public scholarship to fellow students through outreach efforts at University Park and on Student Affairs social media.

Recorded Guest Lectures
Did you miss it? View video recordings from our News Literacy Initiative guest lecturers on demand.

Our Research
Learn about projects, research, and materials being developed by Penn State Harrisburg faculty to strengthen news literacy across the Commonwealth.

Our vision is that Penn State students graduate with an appreciation of the function and importance of news and are able to critically seek, assess and use news and current information as participants in a democracy.
Marie Hardin, dean of the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

Our podcast
News Over Noise explores the challenge of separating spin and click-bait from good journalism and why it matters. Give it a listen and checkout the Episode Extras.
Explore Episodes