News Engagement for the Civically Engaged
News Literacy Educator Webinar

Break out of the news fatigue! Learn strategies for yourself and for your students on how to gain control over how we consume the news and how we are sharing that information. Empower students to use news as a tool for civic engagement and create the news and social change they want to see.
Presenters & Materials
Global Perspective: Importance of News Literacy
Terry Watson, Founder of Strategies for Justice (SFJ), Community & Campus In Unity (CCU), and author of Welcome to the Sick Mind of a Sane Person
In-Practice Perspective: From the Journalism Classroom
Hannah Shumsky, English & Journalism Teacher at State College Area High School.
In-Classroom Application: Classroom Application & Lesson Plans
Alexandra List, College of Education at Penn State University
- Presentation
- Lesson Plan: Dialects in the News
- Student Handout: Dialects in the News
- Lesson Plan: Citizen Journalism
- Student Handout: Citizen Journalism
- Teacher Reflection
Additional Resources

Listen to Our Podcast
Our News Over Noise podcast explores the challenge of separating spin and click-bait from good journalism and why it matters. Listen to episodes and experience real world issues and examples with our Episode Extras.
Check out podcast Episode 101: News Avoidance and Why It Matters.
Listen to Episode 101