Citizens Agenda
As we have discussed on News Over Noise and our newsletter, the Citizens Agenda model for political journalism is an alternative to the business-as-usual horserace coverage that dominates in our news ecosystem. Rather than journalists waiting for politicians to set the media agenda, it flips the script and asks what the communities news orgs serve want their representatives to be talking about as they compete for their votes.

What issues are important to you?
The PSU Citizens Agenda initiative seeks input on the issues the Penn State community would like to hear candidates talk about this fall as they compete for our votes.
Take the SurveyPartnership
The PSU Citizens Agenda values partnerships with the McCourtney Institute for Democracy, PSU Votes, and the News Literacy Initiative.
Inspired by the Citizens Agenda
The Citizens Agenda is a collaboration to help the news industry create a more responsive, inclusive and useful approach for campaign coverage.