WPSU Education Ambassadors Participate in Media Literacy Intensive

Professor and Director of the Penn State News Literacy Initiative, Matt Jordan stands at the front of a classroom of K12 educators before a projector screen with a slide that reads "Elements of Media Literacy."

This month, Pennsylvania PreK-12 educators kicked off their year as WPSU Education Ambassadors by gathering at the Penn State Outreach Building for an all-day media literacy professional development event hosted by WPSU Education. The event was timed to coincide with the upcoming U.S. Media Literacy Week, an annual event that strives to highlight the power of media literacy education.

During the event, Penn State News Literacy Initiative Director Matt Jordan gave a presentation that deepened the educators' understanding of media literacy and sparked ideas for how to implement these concepts into their classrooms and curricula. He empowered teachers to be leaders of media literacy, regardless of grade level or discipline.

Media Literacy Week 2024 is October 21-25. Educators interested in learning more about the event and about media literacy in general can visit NAMLE's website and check out these other great resources.

Professor and Director of the Penn State News Literacy Initiative, Matt Jordan stands at the front of a classroom of K12 educators before a projector screen with a slide that reads "Elements of Media Literacy."