Rebuilding Trust Through Solutions Journalism

Solutions journalism is a stye of reporting that won't leave you feeling defeated and opting to disengage with news. Instead of just telling you what's wrong, solution journalism actively works to empower you to make positive changes in your community.

What is solutions journalism?

Solutions journalism is an approach to news reporting that works to empower community members to become actively engaged in addressing social issues. It's a rigorous and compelling style of reporting that goes beyond just stating what’s wrong—it uses evidence to explain what’s working and what’s not working to help find solutions.

Characteristics of solutions journalism

The goal of solutions journalism is to present people with a truer, more complete view of these issues, helping to drive more effective citizenship.

As outlined in a Medium article authored by the Solutions Journalism Network, one way to learn the characteristics of solution journalism is by remembering to “tell the WHOLE story”:

  • W — What response does it address?
  • H — How it works, the “howdunnit”
  • O — Offers insight
  • L — Includes limitations
  • E — Most important, provides evidence of impact

The Solutions Journalism Network is an organization with a "mission is to transform journalism so that all people have access to news that helps them envision and build a more equitable and sustainable world."

two people at desk with coffee and microphones creating a radio show

SJN's Learning Lab

The Solutions Journalism Network's Learning Lab provides a series online lessons designed for journalists in topics related to solutions journalism.

Visit the Learning Lab
person with magnifying glass on paper while a news reporter is on screen.

Solutions Story Tracker®

The Solutions Story Tracker® is a curated collection of exemplary news stories from a multitude of sources. This is an excellent source to see real world examples of solutions journalism on in a variety of sources.

Explore the Solutions Story Tracker®


Many consider it more empowering than traditional reporting


Can increase civic engagement


Can have tangible effects on pressing societal issues






Potential for bias/advocacy

What can I do?

Learn more

Consume solutions journalism

Keep in mind

  • Solutions journalism is focused on empowerment.
  • Solutions journalism projects require a large investment of time and resources.
  • Collaboration, partnerships, and community engagement are hallmarks of solutions journalism.
Headshot James E. Causey

It's the best way to build trust because people know that you're not just there when it's bad news and then you're gone...I think what it comes down to is that when you really work on pieces like this, you really get to the grassroots of people. They're not just numbers or someone you just have to talk to, plug into a story and move on. You actually get to see these people as people. And that's so different. And that's the essence of what I do.

James E. Causey, journalist and former president of the Wisconsin Black Media Association

Listen & Subscribe

Listen to Episode 110: Rebuilding Trust Through Solutions Journalism and subscribe to our News Over Noise podcast to continue learning how to balance staying informed while protecting your well-being and the public good.